Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Permaculture, in particular Forest Gardens

~ The art of creating a landscape/ecosystem that is self-sufficient and lush. A productive garden without the intense labor costs of traditional [read: monoculture] vegetable plots or the intense fertilizer costs thereof. Key phrase: perennial polyculture of multipurpose [plants] inhabitants* P1 of Edible Forest Gardens

Key steps in building a permaculture [via Gaia's Garden P6]
  1. Observe
  2. Connect
  3. Catch and store energy/materials
  4. All elements multifunction
  5. Each function supported by multiple elements
  6.  Make the least change for the greatest effect
  7. Use small-scale, intensive systems [wait, that makes no sense, chunking kinda does]
  8. Optimize edge
  9. Collaborate with succession [plan longterm]
  10. Use biological and renewable resources
  11. Turn problems into solutions
  12. Get a yield [immediate and longterm]
  13. The biggest limit to abundance is creativity
  14. Mistakes are tools for learning
I mean, these are the kinds of things that one would use to evaluate anything, right? I think my process will look something like this:
  1. Planning for yield - Working backward from the end goal
  2. Meeting the needs of various functions that get you to the desired yield
*denotes my word change

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